Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 98, 2024
The 2nd International Conference on Food Technology and Nutrition (IC-FTN 2023)
Article Number | 05001 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
Section | Current Trends in Food Technology and Nutrition | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 March 2024 |
Development of Bio-Based Smart Edible Food Packaging Using Roselle Flower Extract and Eggshell Powder as Active Agents
Department of Food Technology, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Jl. Dinoyo 42-44, Surabaya, 60265, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
Recent trends revealed smart edible film can improve safety and extend the shelf life of food packaged. Cassava starch, gelatine, glycerol, roselle flower extract, and eggshell powder can be used to produce bio-based smart edible film. This study aimed to develop a bio-based smart edible film using roselle flower extract and eggshell powder. In this research, A total of six treatment were used, which was cassava starch, gelatine, glycerol (CGG) as control; control + eggshell (CGGE); control + roselle extract 15 ppm (CGGR); control + eggshell + roselle extract (15 ppm) (CGGER15); control + eggshell + roselle extract 10 ppm (CGGER10); control + eggshell + roselle extract 5 ppm (CGGER5). Parameters examined included total phenol, antioxidant activity, anthocyanins, tensile strength, elongation, water vapor transmission rate (WVTR), the color of edible film, and color, aroma, and pH of chicken meat samples. The results showed that the addition of roselle flower extract and eggshell powder had a significant effect on the parameters measured. The smart edible film has a total phenol of 367.9814-526.0559 mg GAE/100 g sample, total anthocyanins of 1.9872–4.2457 mg cy-3-glueq/100 g sample, antioxidant activity of 40.5488-96.2946%, WVTR of 96.2412-149.6401g/m2/24 hours, tensile strength of 1.4020-13.0243 N/mm2, and percent elongation of 2.242-94.7725%. Based on the parameters measured the best treatment is the CCGER15. Moreover, the smart edible film can act as indicator for the steamed chicken during storage.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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