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Soil Management Strategies in Organic Almond Orchards: Implications for Soil Rehabilitation and Nut Quality
Belén Cárceles Cárceles Rodríguez, Víctor Hugo Durán Durán Zuazo, Juan Francisco Herencia Herencia Galán, et al. Agronomy 13(3) 749 (2023)
Investigating Near-Surface Hydrologic Connectivity in a Grass-Covered Inter-Row Area of a Hillslope Vineyard Using Field Monitoring and Numerical Simulations
Cover Crop Contributions to Improve the Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Sequestration in Almond Orchards (SW Spain)
Miguel A. Repullo-Ruibérriz de Torres, Manuel Moreno-García, Rafaela Ordóñez-Fernández, Antonio Rodríguez-Lizana, Belén Cárceles Rodríguez, Iván Francisco García-Tejero, Víctor Hugo Durán Zuazo and Rosa M. Carbonell-Bojollo Agronomy 11(2) 387 (2021)
Soil Erosion and the Efficiency of the Conservation Measures in Mediterranean Hillslope Farming (SE Spain)
B. Cárceles Rodríguez, V. H. Durán Zuazo, M. Soriano Rodríguez, B. Gálvez Ruiz and I. F. García-Tejero Eurasian Soil Science 54(5) 792 (2021)
Groundcover Mulching in Mediterranean Vineyards Improves Soil Chemical, Physical and Biological Health Already in the Short Term
Dylan Warren Raffa, Daniele Antichi, Stefano Carlesi, Christian Frasconi, Simone Marini, Simone Priori and Paolo Bàrberi Agronomy 11(4) 787 (2021)
Resources Use Efficiency in Agriculture
Belén Cárceles Rodríguez, Víctor Hugo Durán Zuazo, Miguel Soriano Rodríguez, et al. Resources Use Efficiency in Agriculture 427 (2020)
A 30-years vineyard trial: Plant communities, soil microbial communities and litter decomposition respond more to soil treatment than to N fertilization
Short communication. The role of rabbit density and the diversity of weeds in the development of cover crops in olive groves
José Guerrero-Casado, Antonio J. Carpio, Laura M. Prada and Francisco S. Tortosa Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 13(3) e03SC01 (2015)