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Effects of passages through an insect or a plant on virulence and physiological properties of the fungus Metarhizium robertsii
Oksana G. Tomilova, Vadim Y. Kryukov, Natalia A. Kryukova, Khristina P. Tolokonnikova, Yuri S. Tokarev, Arina S. Rumiantseva, Alexander A. Alekseev and Viktor V. Glupov PeerJ 11 e15726 (2023)
The Fungus Beauveria bassiana Alters Amounts of Sterols, Fatty Acids, and Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Potato Solanum tuberosum
Maksim Tyurin, Elena Chernyak, Oksana Tomilova, Khristina Tolokonnikova, Svetlana M. Malysh, Elena Khramova, Sergey Morozov and Vadim Kryukov Plants 12(23) 3938 (2023)