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Comparison of numerical results of linear and nonlinear turbulence models based on the rans approach

Murodil Madaliev, Elmurad Yunusaliev, Zokhidjon Abdulkhaev, Bakhromjon Otakulov, Sardorbek Yusupov, Ilhom Ergashev, Islomjon Tohirov, S. Yekimov and V. Tsipko
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Technology for obtaining dry construction mixtures based on local raw materials

Mamurjon Mirzajanov, Khamidulla Mamatov, Makhmudjon Ergashev, Bakhodir Mirzaev, Bakhromjon Otakulov, Hojiakbar Solijonov, Umarbek Raximjonov, S. Yekimov and V. Tsipko
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Properties of gypsum concrete obtained on the basis of waste asbocement

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Mathematical optimization of the composition of foam concrete with lime waste

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Mathematical modeling of the transport of hydraulic mixtures in turbulent flow in pipes

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Research of the semiconductor sensors based on anomal photovoltaic effect with highly sensitive parameters of the deformation

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Research of physical-mechanical and physical-chemical properties of foam concrete with complex polymer - mineral additive of a new generation based on local raw materials

Mamurjon Mirzajanov, Khamidulla Mamatov, Bakhromjon Otakulov, Numonjon Abduganiyev, Ulugbek Abdullaev, Olmosbek Otajonov, Shoirjon Kuziboev, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
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Stand-alone solar optic device based on aps-photodeciver

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The effective role of temperature in improving the electrical conductivity and thermopower of n-PbTe films

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Optimal cubature formulas for approximate integrals of functions defined on a sphere in three-dimensional space

Bakhromjon Bozarov, Bakhtiyor Daliyev, Dadakhon Tukxtasinov, Otadavlat Nasriddinov, Makhfuza Ruzimatova, Nasiba Botirova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
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Calculation of geometric dimensions and hydrodynamic characteristics of venturi pipes of a self-draining solar circuit

Ma'murjon Ismoilov, Gulmira Obidova, Muqaddamxon Juraeva, Azimjon Meliqo'ziev, Dildora Maxkamova, Maxbuba Toshpo'latova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
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Analysis of automation through sensors through gas sensors in different directions

Farrukh Mukhtarov, Nurmaxamad Jo'rayev, Sanjar Zokirov, Munira Sadikova, Azamatjon Muhammadjonov, Nargizakhon Iskandarova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 06004 (2024)

Energy saving using solar air heater collectors

Mirsoli Uzbekov, Bekzod Boynazarov, Feruza Nasretdinova, Iqboljon Zoxidov, Abdulahad Ashurov, Zuhriddin Hamidjonov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 02001 (2024)

Hydrodynamic processes that occur in a solar air heater collector with a triangle channel

Bekzod Abdukarimov, Jahongir Orzimatov, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Ikromjon Mullayev, Sayramkhon Raxmonkulova, Abbosjon Qosimov, Doniyor Sirojiddinov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 02002 (2024)

Investigation of solar air collectors with concave air duct

Bekzod Abdukarimov, Mamadali Madraximov, Barhayot Maxsitaliyev, Muslimbek Solijonov, Mirzoxid Mirzrahimov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 02003 (2024)

Building and predicting a neural network in python

Ravshan Zulunov, Umidjon Akhundjanov, Khurshid Musayev, Bakhrom Soliyev, Ahror Kayumov, Mukhammadmullo Asraev, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 04005 (2024)

Stabilization of parameters of optoelectronic devices on semiconductor emitters

Obbosjon Kuldashov, Odinakhon Rayimdjanova, Bahrom Djalilov, Shohbozjon Ergashev, Sarbinoz Toxirova, Azamatjon Muhammadjonov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 01001 (2024)

Optical electron photo converter

Shoxboz Ergashev, Lochibek Dalibekov, Abdullajon Komilov, Gulnozaxon Jo'raeva, Soxibaxon Xusanova, Davron Komilov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 01002 (2024)

Optimal quadrature formulas in Sobolev space for solving the generalized Abel integral equation

Bakhtiyor Daliyev, Dadakhon Tukxtasinov, Bakhromjon Bozarov, Salim Sabirov, Jamoliddin Abdullayev, Makhfuza Ruzimatova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 04007 (2024)

Determination of the stress-strain state of models of steel cylindrical tanks using the “ANSYS” program

Shokhrukh Davlyatov, Ilimdorjon Jakhongirov, Abdukholik Abdurakhmonov, Foziljon Solijonov, Zebuniso Abobakirova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 04002 (2024)

Mathematical approximator based on basic spline approximation

Mamirjon Turdimatov, Farrukh Mukhtarov, Nodirbekh Ibrokhimov, Shukhratjon Umarov, Jamshid Mirzayev, Rasuljon Rakhmatov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 04010 (2024)

Self-learning system and methods of selection of weight coefficients of neural network

Durbek Khalilov, Sevarakhon Bozorova, Sardorbek Khonturaev, Abdumalik Khoitkulov, Dildorakhon Sotvoldieva, Sherzod Toshmatov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 04011 (2024)

Improving the thermal properties of lightweight concrete exterior walls

Natalia Goncharova, Zebuniso Ababakirova, Shokhrukh Davlyatov, Shodiljon Umarov, Sahiba Mirzababayeva, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 05002 (2024)

Methods for researching the influence of electromagnetic waves of power transmission lines on soil properties

Azizxon Marupov, Khusanboy Turdikulov, Kamola Khakimova, Mukharram Abdukadirova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 07002 (2024)

Operation of reinforced concrete beams along an inclined section under conditions of one-sided heating

Shodiljon Umarov, Saxiba Mirzababayeva, Zebuniso Abobakirova, Natalya Goncharova, Shokhrukh Davlyatov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 05001 (2024)

Numerical analysis of single SC-50-800 and SC-50-500x2-x4 group centrifugal cyclones: efficiency comparison

Murodil Madaliev, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Khasanboy Kadyrov, Nurzoda Abdullajonov, Dilnoza Mavlonova, Zamira Otakhanova, Kamolkhan Muminov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 06005 (2024)

Physical and thermal insulation properties of foam concrete with the use of lime sludge (chemical waste)

Ibroxim Abdullaev, Khamidullo Mamatov, Ulugbek Abdullaev, Bakhromjon Otaqulov, Numanjon Аbduganiev, Hojiakbar Solijonov, Ikhtiyor Umirdinov, Abobakir Vakhobov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 05003 (2024)

Thermal converter for controlling horizontal wind speed and temperature

Odinaxon Rayimdjanova, Zumradxon Xatamova, Ilhomidin Rustamov, Shaxobidin Xolmatov, Xurshidbek Arabboyev, Navro'zbek Ibragimov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 05004 (2024)

Numerical simulation of the flow in a flat suddenly expanding channel based on a two-fluid turbulence model

Erkin Madaliev, Murodil Madaliev, Axror Akramov, Shahzod Umurqulov, Sarvinoz Qurbonova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 06001 (2024)

Numerical study of 2D and 3D flow after NASA 4412 airfoil

Murodil Madaliev, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Jamshid Fayzullaev, Yunusali Khusanov, Komil Radjapov, Abdusalom Sattorov, Inomjon Jalilov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01012 (2024)

Comparison of turbulence models for the axisymmetrical separated boundary layer problem

Murodil Madaliev, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Oybek Soliyev, Jamshidbek Otajonov, Khasanboy Kadirov, Zamira Otakhanova, Dilnoza Mavlonova, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01018 (2024)

Analysis of jet currents using the SST turbulence model

Murodil Madaliev, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Muslimbek Ismoilov, Inomjon Bilolov, Sharobiddin Israilov, Nurzoda Abdullajonova, Khurshida Rajabova, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01019 (2024)

Creating algorithms to optimize power output in weather station solar panels

Azizjon Xayitov, Muslimjon Sobirov, Nurmakhamad Juraev, Mukhammadmullo Asraev, Munira Sadikova, Dilnoza Abdurasulova, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01003 (2024)

Environmental aspects and preferences when creating an energy-efficient house from natural materials such as Samantha

Parviz Khujaev, Jamshed Ismatullozoda, Zuhriddin Umirzakov, Barxayotjon Maxsitaliyev, Farangiz Tillaboyeva, Murodiljon Sobirov, Akmaljon Mamatov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01004 (2024)

Modernization of existing infrastructure, heat supply systems

Parviz Khujaev, Zokhidjon Abdulkhaev, Shohkzodbek Numonjonov, Nematulla Karimov, Kambarali Akhunov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01010 (2024)

Comparison modern of turbulence models for the 2D NASA wall-mounted hump separated flow problem

Murodil Madaliev, Mavlonbek Usmonov, Zuhriddin Umirzakov, Shukurillo Usmonov, Muslimbek Ismoilov, Zarifjon Adilov, Nigora Alimova, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01013 (2024)

Regulation of thermal physical properties multicomponent building materials

Jasurbek Salimjonov, Khamidulla Mamatov, Mukhtasar Karimova, Ulugbek Abdullayev, Ulugbek Nigmatov, Abdulkhamid Yusupov, Bakhromjon Otakulov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01017 (2024)

Distribution of local curvature values as a sign for static signature verification

Umidjon Akhundjanov, Bakhrom Soliyev, Ahror Kayumov, Abrorjon Kholmatov, Khurshid Musayev, Zarina Ermatova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 03003 (2024)

Oscillatory flow of rheological complex fluid in a flat channel

Kuralboy Navruzov, Shokhista Sharipova, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 06008 (2024)

Determination of the optimal amplitude of vibration behavior in the potato sorting machine

Akramjon Umurzakov, Тalibjan Sabirjanov, Kamoliddin Okyulov, Kodir Gaparov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01005 (2024)

Optimization of pneumatic vortex processing for enhanced durability and reliability of machine parts

Shukhrat Fayzimatov, Bakhtiyor Mardonov, Bakhtiyor Khusanov, Jasur Fayzimatov, Shokhrukh Sadirov, Yunusali Khusanov, S. Yekimov and I. Sazonets
E3S Web of Conferences 538 01016 (2024)

Unsteady Flow of Rheologically Complex Fluids in Cylindrical Pipes

Navruzov Kural, Sharipova Shokhista and Abdikarimov Nabijon

Off-line handwritten signature verification based on machine learning

Umidjon Akhundjanov, Bakhrom Soliyev, Nurmakhamad Juraev, Khurshid Musayev, Muhammadyunus Norinov, Zarina Ermatova, Rakhmatullo Zaynabidinov, V. Tsypko, S. Yekimov and A. Bieliatynskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 508 03011 (2024)

Numerical study of the transition zone between laminar and turbulent flows for the flow plate problem

Murodil Madaliev, Shairakhon Abdujalilova, Rasuljon Tоjiyev, Xamidullo Sadulayev, Abdurakhmon Sulaymanov, Bakhromjon Otakulov, Islomjon Tohirov, N. Yakovenko, M. Gutalj and S. Ignateva
BIO Web of Conferences 145 03035 (2024)