Open Access

Table 2.

Analysis of the conventional parameters in wines from the different treatments with yeast strains.

Analysis Treatments CV (%)
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Alcohol 10.63b 10.69a 10.54c 10.49d 10.61b 0.35
Residual Sugar 1.02bc 0.93c 1.03bc 3.50a 1.11b 7.93
Glyceroll 6.01c 5.09d 6.34a 6.24b 5.99c 1.23
pH 3.36b 3.30c 3.37a 3.36b 3.36b 0.13
Malic Acid 2.51a 2.54ab 2.57a 2.38c 2.57a 1.56
Latic Acid 0.10b 0.01c 0.12b 0.34a 0.10b 30.23
Total Acidity 6.63c 6.40d 6.65c 6.71b 6.83a 0.74
Volatile Acidity 040c 0.10d 0.40c 0.42b 0.50a 4.86

∗ Different letters on the same line indicate a statistically significant difference by the Tukey test at 5%. Alcohol (% v.v); Residual sugar (g.L−1), Glycerol (g.L−1), Malic Acid (g.L−1), Total Acidity (g.L−1 HAt), Volatile Acidity (g.L−1 HAc). T1: Saccharomyces cerevisae; T2: Saccharomyces cerevisaecerevisae; T3: Saccharomycesbayanus; T4: Torulaspora delbrueckii; T5: Levulia pulcherrima.

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