Open Access

Table 1

The number of micromycetes in the soil, depending on the use of biological products, thousand CFU/g.

Experiment options 3-4 leaves Flowering Wax ripeness
Traditional technology Proposed technology Traditional technology Proposed technology Traditional technology Proposed technology
1 Control (without treatment) 91 91 337 337 144 144
2 CBC-Standard (complex of biological compounds) 90 91 461 590 197 305
3 CBC-Innovative (complex of biological compounds) 92 94 495 637 231 362
4 MCM (multi-strain complex of microorganisms) 85 90 502 664 282 399
5 CMC-92 (complex of microbial compounds-92) 79 88 464 672 222 442
HCP05 thous. CFU/g 12 36 27

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