Open Access
Table 1
Amino acid and fatty acid composition of flaxseed meal.
Amino acids | Protein in g per 100 g | Fatty acids | Content in % |
Essential amino acids, including: Valine Lysin Phenylalanine Leucine Isoleucine Methionine Threonine |
1.73±0.1 1.39±0.1 1.65±0.1 2.19±0.1 1.55±0.1 0.57±0.01 1.32±0.1 |
Saturated fatty acids, including: Palmitic acid Stearic acid Arachidic acid Behenic acid |
6.51±0.3 2.93±0.2 0.52±0.03 0.06±0.01 |
Nonessential amino acids, including: Arginine Tyrosine Histidine Proline Serine Alanine Glycine Aspatic acid Glutamic acid Cysteine |
3.29±0.1 1.02±0.1 0.79±0.01 1.56±0.1 1.47±0.1 2.14±0.11 1.93±0.1 4.35±0.12 7.56±0.15 0.64±0.01 |
Monounsaturated fatty acids, including: Palmitoleic acid Oleic acid Erucic acid Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including: Linoleic acid Linolenic acid |
0.07±0.01 19.85±0.3 0.01±0.004 16.87±0.3 53.82±0.5 |
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