Open Access

Table 1

Locations of E. caninus accessions and related taxa taken in ISSR analysis. The numbering corresponds to ISSR patterns.

Taxon Accession code Location of collecting
The Republic of Kazakhstan
1 E. caninus KZA-1706 Vicinity of Besqaynar town, alt. 1665 m N 43° 12.161’ E 77° 6.922’
2 E. caninus EK-1716 Vicinity of Shingistay village, alt. 915 m N 49°11.488’ E 86°01.621’
3 E. viridiglumis EK-1418 Vicinity of Berezovka village, alt. 1202 m N 50°07.623’ E 83°49.210’
4 E. goloskokovii EK-1513 Vicinity of Poperechnoye village, alt. 1202 m N 50°21.128’ E 83°53.527’
6 E. goloskokovii TUV-9936 The Tyva Republic, Todzhinsky District, valley of Bii-Khem river
7 E. viridiglumis SON-9904 The Republic of Khakassia, floodplain of the Ona river, alt. 713 m, N 52°10.772’ E 89°51.907’
8 E. caninus KRG-1601 Krasnoyarsk Krai, alt. 213 m, N 58° 26.294’ E 98° 33.358’
9 E. caninus MOO AKL-0703 Altai Krai, alt. 98 m, N 52°55.19’ E 79°46.22’
11 E. viridiglumis BEL-1404 Altai Krai, alt. 287 m, N 51° 58.847’ E 84° 57.697’
The Republic of Bashkortostan, Southern Ural, vicinity of settl. Novoabzakovo
12 E. caninus ABZ-1654 alt. 616 m, N 53° 48.250’ E 58° 36.846’
13 E. caninus UKU-1613 alt. 561 m N 53° 48.740’ E 58° 39.560’
14 E. viridiglumis ABZ-1637 alt. 616 m, N 53° 48.250’ E 58° 36.846’
15 E. viridiglumis UKU-1618 alt. 619 m N 53° 48.718’ E 58° 40.377’
16 E. mutabilis ABZ-1607 alt. 546 m, N 53° 47.845’ E 58° 37.291’
17 E. fibrosus ABZ-1602 alt. 546 m, N 53° 47.845’ E 58° 37.291’
Caucasus, The Republic of North Ossetia – Alania
18 E. caninus OSE-1423 Valley of Tseydon river, alt. 1951 m, N 42° 47.139’ E 43° 53.605’
19 E. caninus MOO OSE-1427 Valley of Urukh river, alt. 1996 m, N 42° 52.898’ E 43° 35.959’
21 E. caninus OSE-1429 Valley of Urukh river, alt. 1829 m N 42° 54.175’ E 43° 35.626’
Caucasus, The Karachay-Cherkess Republic
22 E. caninus TEB-1811 Mount Malaya Khatipara, alt. 2020 m N 43° 26.508’ E 41° 42.693’
23 E. caninus MOO PTI-1837 Valley of Dombai-Ulgen river, alt. 1990 m N 43° 15.779’ E 41° 41.349’
24 E. prokudinii TEB-1806 Mount Malaya Khatipara, alt. 2020 m N 43° 26.508’ E 41° 42.693’
F1 hybrids
5 E. goloskokovii EK-1513 × E. viridiglumis SON-9904
10 E. caninus MDF AKL-0703 × E. prokudinii TEB-1806
20 E. caninus MDF OSE-1427 × E. prokudinii TEB-1806

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