Open Access

Table 1.

Cultural traits of morphotypes of the Krasnodar population

Isolate, aversum / reversum Cultural trait Feature variant
Morphotype I
Colony diameter 79 mm
Height 3,0 mm
Colony center bumpy, dense, gray d = 3,0 mm, h = 5,0 mm
Texture Vaty-clumpy, dense
Mycelium color pale gray with a white tint
Colony edge smooth, ragged B = 5,0 mm
Reverse heterogeneous, salmon, with concentric zones, white edge
Morphotype II
Colony diameter 77 mm
Height 2,0 mm
Colony center bumpy, dense gray with a pink tint, d=3,3 ??, h=2,0 ??
Texture flat, even
Mycelium color white with a pale pink tint, dense
Colony edge even, white, ciliate short, B = 2,0 mm
Reverse heterogeneous, with concentric zones, edge white
Morphotype III
Colony diameter 90 mm
Height 2,0 mm
Colony center bumpy, dense, gray, d=2,8 MM, h=7,0 MM
Texture heterogeneous
Mycelium color pale pink with a grayish tint
Colony edge heterogeneous, mainly subaerial, air, B = 11-16 mm
Reverse heterogeneous, brown with a pale purple tint, with yellowish irregular zones inside the colony

Legend: d – diameter; h – height; B – width

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