Open Access
Table 1.
Dynamics of arm speed strength abilities and sports results of elite cross-country female skiers in competitions at various distances in the sports season 2017-2018 (mean ± SD) (n=18).
Parameter | Achieved values |
Absolute arm force (one repeated movement) (Aabs), kg-m | 18,67±0,82 |
Relative value of arm force (one repeated movement) per 1 kg of weight (Arel), kg-m/kg | 0,309±0,025 |
Absolute arm 5-minute power (Nabs), kg-m/min | 1164±34 |
Relative value of arm 5-minute power (Nrel), kg-m/min/kg | 19,2±1,4 |
HR after 5-minute work, beats/min | 163,5±11,2 |
SPORTS RESULT (speed of overcoming the distance at the main start of the season) | |
Individual sprint (Qualification Speed), m/s | 6,23±0,55 |
Individual race 10km, m/c | 5,68±0,37 |
Skiathlon (race 15km), m/s | 5,65±0,21 |
Mass start (race 30km), m/s | 5,75±0,33 |
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