Open Access

Table 2.

Composition and nutritional value of mixed fodders with different content of soybean meal.

Indicator SК-4 SК-5
Barley 25.0 30.00
Wheat 44.5 41.20
Soybean Meal 16.5 11.50
Peas 2.5 2.50
Sunflower Oil 3.3 2.50
Fodder Lime 0.8 0.80
Monocalcium Phosphate 0.6 0.50
Salt 0.5 0.50
Adsorbent 0.3 0.20
Dry Matter 88.50 88.50
Crude Protein 17.6 18.121
Crude Fat 4.56 4.973
Crude Fibre 3.20 2.862
Lysine 1.29 1.252
Methionine 0.412 0.431
Methionine + Cystine 0.692 0.735
Threonine 0.822 0.849
Tryptophan 0.260 0.264
Ca 0.644 0.675
P 0.483 0.477
Na 0.236 0.218

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