Open Access

Table 4.

Efficiency of grain production in the areas of Pre-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017–2018

Name of adistrict cost of 1 c. real. prod., rubles Real price for1 lb., rubles Profit (+), loss (‐), thousand rubles Profitability, %
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
Baltasinsky 592 640 687 695 29472 17568 16.0 8.6
Kukmorsky 550 573 630 698 29460 38370 14.6 22.0
Mamadyshsky 352 426 587 626 97177 93663 66.9 46.9
Rybno-Slobodsky 552 718 672 818 50588 77936 21.6 13.9
Sabinsky 545 540 639 721 36187 59674 17.3 33.4
Tyulyachinsky 561 677 613 734 13669 13743 9.3 8.3
Total for the RT 577 715 627 800 1019022 1881168 8.7 11.9

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