Open Access

Table 5.

Potato production efficiency in the areas of Pre-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017–2018

Name of a district cost of 1 c. real. prod., rubles Real price 1 lb., rubles Profit (+), loss (‐), thousand rubles Profitability, %
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
Baltasinsky 732 625 1260 1045 6905 6776 72.1 67.1
Kukmorsky 727 513 1203 799 11096 8033 65.4 55.7
Mamadyshsky 347 615 307 667 –739 251 –11.6 8.3
Sabinsky 878 658 1022 697 4191 525 16.3 5.9
Tyulyachinsky 705 717 44 1.8
Total for the RT 786 797 949 927 68102 51801 20.8 16.3

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