Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 24, 2020
International Conferences “Plant Diversity: Status, Trends, Conservation Concept” 2020
Article Number | 00081 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 September 2020 |
Demographic structure of Caryophyllaceae Juss. rare species coenopopulations in Uzbekistan
1 Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Str. Durmon Yuli, 32. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100125
2 Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Str. Ibn Sina 15, Navoi, Uzbekistan, 210100
* Corresponding author:
The article is devoted to the assessment state of the ontogenetic structure of some rare species of the Caryophyllaceae Juss. (Acanthophyllum cyrtostegium Vved. and Silene tomentella Schischk.), listed in the Red book of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In different ecological conditions and plant communities in the Kyzylkum desert, the studied coenopopulations are normal, but incomplete. In most cases, yang grows is absent, which indicates an irregular renewal and elimination of young individuals due to lack of soil moisture, which is often observed in desert conditions. The ontogenetic spectra of investigated coenopopulations are centered and it coincides with the theoretically established spectrum. This, in general, reflects the biological characteristics of the studied species and indicates a stable state of the examined coenopopulations.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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