Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 36, 2021
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental Scientific Research and Their Applied Aspects in Biotechnology and Agriculture” (FSRAABA 2021)
Article Number | 06046 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Topical Issues of Veterinary and Animal Science, Biotechnology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 October 2021 |
Structure of parasite cenosis of endoparasitoses of ruminants
FSBEI HE Izhevsk SAA, Izhevsk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The infestation was studied and the structure of the parasite cenosis of ruminants of the Udmurt Republic was characterized. Over the period of several years of research (2016-2020), a diverse parasitophauna was identified. According to the results of the research, it was established that cattle is mainly invaded by Eimeria spp., nematodes of the Strongylata suborder, dicroceliosis dominates from trematode infestations. The maximum infection rate was noted by eimeriosis invasion, during the entire time of the studies it varied from 87.84 % to 77.73 %, which indicates a tendency to increase invasion and stationary problems of farms. The features of competitive relationships are clearly traced in hepatic flukes: dicrocoeliums and fascioles. Dicrocoeliotic invasion prevails on average by 32 %, which indicates a partial manifestation of antagonism.When analyzing the generic structure of the parasite complex of cattle, on average for five years, it was found that the largest share is occupied by Eimeria spp - 44.35, Strongylata - 30.52, Dicrocoelium - 17.52, Fasciola - 6.43, Eurythrema – 0.67 and Trichostrongylus – 0.51 are less represented. A retrospective epizootic analysis of parasitoses showed that sheeps, like cattle, have a diverse parasitophauna, but in the first case, the detection of monoinvasions is 3.5 times higher. In the structure of sheep parasite cenosis, similar indicators of infection with Eimeria spp, Strongyloides, Moniezia were found, generic indices ranged from 24.18 to 27.61. Strongylatosis of the gastrointestinal tract are replaced by Strongyloides. A significant change was also observed in the group of trematode infestations. Unlike cattle, fasciolosis prevails in sheep with a maximum value of 9.5 times in 2019, while dicroceliosis was not registered at all in 2017. In the sheep parasite complex, moniesiosis occupies the main share – 27.61, which may be related to the conditions of keeping, since sheeps are grazing for a long time and a meeting with intermediate hosts - oribatid mites is inevitable.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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