Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 48, 2022
The 2nd International Conference “Sport and Healthy Lifestyle Culture in the XXI Century” (SPORT LIFE XXI)
Article Number | 01006 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Topical Issues of Sports and a Healthy Lifestyle | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 June 2022 |
Stress Sources of Powerlifters Aged 14-23
Kazan Federal University, Department of Psychology, Elabuga, Kazanskaya st. 89, Russia
Kazan Federal University, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kazan, Kremlevskaya st. 18, Russia
Kazan Federal University, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Life Safety, Elabuga, Kazanskaya st. 89, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Athletes are exposed to numerous stress factors, which can have a negative impact on their health, including psychological health. This is especially true for young athletes whose psyche is unstable. The article highlights the factors that prevent powerlifters’ successful training and performance in powerlifting competitions for the age groups of 14-23. By assigning a rank by the respondents (n = 128), the highest #1 and lowest #11 values were selected. Data analysis showed that the priority of 3 factors coincided in training and competitive activities: 1) injuries (average score – 1.64 and 1.82), 2) emotional excitement (4.64 and 3.9), 3) physical fatigue (5.09 and 5.18). The following positions during training sessions are: human factor (6.34), unexpected circumstances (6.45), audio interference (6.50), problems with equipment and outfit (6.55), difficult relationships (6.82), the rank and type of competition and preparation for them (6.9), coach/referee assessment (7.09), changing conditions (8.0). At the competitions, subsequent stress factors are distributed as follows: unexpected circumstances (5.64), coach/referee assessment (5.7), rank and type of competition and preparation for them (6.36), human factor (6.82), problems with equipment and outfit (7.0), changing conditions (7.18), audio interference (7.23), difficult relationships (8.64). Taking into account the young powerlifters’ sources of stress allows forming the athletes’ psychologically healthy attitude to and perception of external changes and circumstances, which largely contributes to the optimization of sports performance and life.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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