Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 69, 2023
The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment (2nd ICAFE 2023)
Article Number | 01031 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Agricultural Sciences and Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 October 2023 |
Efficacy of Extracts of Garlic (Allium Sativum) and Neem Leaves (Azadirachta Indica) Against Liriomyza Spp.
1 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjadjaran 104, Condongcatur, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
2 Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University, Eger, Hungary
1* Corresponding Author:
Lettuce is one of leafy vegetables that has high economic value. Infestation of Liriomyza spp. on lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa L.) could reduce its quality significantly. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of garlic and neem leaves extract to control Liriomyza spp. Lettuce was cultivated in Nutrient Film Tecnique (NFT) hydroponic system. The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 9 various concentration of garlic and neem leaves extract, i.e., 15% garlic extract + 15% neem leaves extract, 15% garlic extract + 30% neem leaves extract, 15% garlic extract + 45% neem leaves extract, 30% garlic extract + 15% neem leaves extract, 30% garlic extract + 30% neem leaves extract, 30% Garlic extract + 45% neem leaves extract, 45% garlic extract + 15% neem leaves extract, 45% garlic extract + 30% neem leaves extract, 45% garlic extract + 45% neem leaves extract, and control (water). The results showed that the concentration of 45% garlic extract + 45% neem leaves extract resulted in 100% mortality of Liriomyza spp. imago, the damage intensity of 26.3%, leaves number of 11, plant height of 28.53 cm, fresh weight of 149.67 g and economic weight of 139.67 g. Application of botanical pesticide with concentration 45% garlic extract + 45% neem leaves extract could control Liriomyza spp. infestation in hydroponic lettuce plants.
Key words: Lettuce / botanical pesticide / garlic / neem leaves / and Liriomyza spp.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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