Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 80, 2023
4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2023)
Article Number | 02007 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
Section | Agricultural Geography | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 December 2023 |
GIS-Based Assessment of Land Suitability for Rubber Cultivation in Chittagong District, Bangladesh
1 Geospatial and Data Management Expert, The World Bank, Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh
2 Department of Geography and Environment, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
* Corresponding author:
This research examines the viability of rubber cultivation in Chittagong, Bangladesh, employing Geographic Information System (GIS) methodologies and a detailed multi-criteria model. Given Bangladesh’s conducive agroclimatic conditions, rubber cultivation offers a promising avenue for sustainable economic expansion. This study evaluates essential parameters such as temperature, elevation, slope, soil texture, pH, and depth to gauge the aptness of land for rubber plantations. The research’s main objective is to identify the potential of rubber cultivation in Chittagong, given its climatic advantages and economic incentives. This analysis aids stakeholders, including policymakers, farmers, and investors, in aligning with larger goals of economic development and agricultural diversification. Key findings suggest that Chittagong’s attributes, including optimal temperature, suitable elevations, moderate slopes, and fitting soil properties, make it ideal for rubber cultivation. Further analysis incorporates factors like land use and river proximity. The central region emerges as particularly promising, while urban and aquatic regions are omitted, highlighting conscientious land use. These insights can guide stakeholders toward sustainable rubber cultivation, fostering rural development, job creation, and foreign exchange benefits in Bangladesh. This research is pivotal for the economic diversification strategy and the sustainable growth of rubber cultivation in the area.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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