Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 101, 2024
The 5th International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB 2023)
Article Number | 02002 | |
Number of page(s) | 13 | |
Section | Basic Science | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 April 2024 |
Isolation of Lignocellulolytic Bacteria From Erek-erek Geoforest Ijen Geopark, Indonesia
1 Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Jember, East Java, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Energy and Life Science. Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Flensburg - Germany
* Corresponding author:
Ijen Geopark is one of the UNESCO Global Geoparks in Indonesia. The Erek-erek Geoforest (EEG) is one of the biosites in the Ijen Geopark. The EEG has an abundant biomass which is composed of lignocellulosic complex. The abundance of biomass has the potential as a source of lignocellulolytic microorganisms that can degrade lignocellulose material. The purpose of this research was to isolate lignocellulolytic bacteria from the Erek-erek Geoforest. This research method was soil sampling, physicochemical analysis of soil, isolation, and purification of bacteria, growth capability in lignocellulose media, and pathogenicity-test. The results showed that a total of 180 were isolated from EEG. There are 93 bacteria growth in lignin media and 142 bacteria growth in cellulolytic with the isolated code EIB (erek-erek Ijen Banyuwangi) under aerobic conditions which had various bacterial morphologies. To ensure the safety of using these isolates, it is necessary to do a pathogenicity test of these bacteria using a blood agar plate. Indicated pathogenic bacteria will form a clear zone around the bacterial colony on the blood media. The pathogenicity test of the highest lignocellulolytic bacteria showed that the 3 ligninolytic and 3 cellulolytic EIB bacteria isolates were non-pathogenic. Further, non-pathogenic bacteria from the soil litter of erek-erek forests can be tested for their potential as biological agents for the industry.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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