Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 151, 2025
International Conference “Mountains: Biodiversity, Landscapes and Cultures” (MBLC-2024)
Article Number | 02006 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
Section | Climate Change and Environment | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 January 2025 |
The impact of climate change on the natural dendroflora of the greater caucasus
“Dendrology Garden” Public Legal Entity, Azerbaijan, Baku
* Corresponding author:
Against the background of global climate change, such processes as soil degradation, salinization, etc. have become pressing problems of our time, as they lead to a reduction in biodiversity. We have studied relict, endemic and rare plants of the southern slopes of the western part of the Greater Caucasus (Gakh), comprehensively analyzed the influence of anthropogenic, biotic and abiotic factors on modern flora. Favorable physical, geographical and climatic conditions of the region contributed to the formation of a rich and diverse vegetation cover. The forest area of 26,848 hectares of the Gakh district is classified as specially protected forest areas. The dominant species in the dendroflora of the Gakh district are representatives of the genera Fagus L., Carpinus L., Quercus L., Betula L., Tilia L., Fraxinus L., Acer L., Castanea Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Prunus L., Cornus L., Spiraea L., Juniperus L., Rosa L., Rubus L., Sorbus L., Cotoneaster Medik. The article examines the main features of the current state of vegetation in the region, reveals that anthropogenic factors have changed and impoverished the vegetation, and some species are currently on the verge of extinction. In the course of the study, based on the analysis of water taken from the Lakit River and soil samples taken in the villages of Kapychay and Lakit, certain changes in the mineralogical composition of water and soil were revealed. The soil layer of the Kapychay site 0-30 cm was found to have low organic matter (humus) content, and the magnesium level in water samples from the Lakit River was toxic. The data obtained during the study of climatic and anthropogenic impacts on the vegetation cover of the region can contribute to the development of measures aimed at developing scientific research and expanding environmental protection measures to preserve biodiversity in the future.
Key words: Great Caucasus / Gakh / climate change / dendroflora / Lakit river / Kapychay
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2025
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