Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 151, 2025
International Conference “Mountains: Biodiversity, Landscapes and Cultures” (MBLC-2024)
Article Number | 04010 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Health and Biochemistry | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 January 2025 |
Relationship between soil fertility in foothills and inorganic components
Institute of Radiation Problems of Ministry of Science and Education, Baku, Azerbaijan
* Corresponding author:
In newly formed soils with low humus content, high concentrations of heavy metals do not have a positive effect on the development of green vegetation. In soils contaminated with crude oil, oil refining waste and heavy metals, green vegetation is not observed regardless of the concentration of heavy metals. However, in soils rich in humus and free from oil industry waste, restored or unpolluted by oil refining emissions, the development of green vegetation is directly proportional to the concentration of metals, including heavy metals. Fertile soils of mountainous and foothill areas are characterized by relatively high concentrations of mineral components and natural radionuclides. These results are in good agreement with the higher degree of development of herbaceous vegetation, green shrubs and trees observed in foothill areas, which is explained by both high soil fertility and the participation of microelements and natural radionuclides in accelerating photosynthesis processes.
Key words: heavy metals / oil waste / natural radionuclides / green vegetation / mountainous and foothill areas
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2025
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