Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 155, 2025
10th-ICCC – 10th International Conference on Climate Change “Climate Change, Plant and Health”
Article Number | 05001 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Carbon Footprint, Greenhouse Gas Emission, Recycle and Reuse Energy Research | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 January 2025 |
The potentials of biomass carbon and CO2 absorption in various land uses of dryland in Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia
1 Soil Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jalan Tgk, Hasan Krueng Kalee 03, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
2 Agrotechnology Department, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jalan Tgk, Hasan Krueng Kalee 03, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
3 Politeknik Indonesia Venezuela, Aceh Besar, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
This study aims to determine the contents of biomass, C content of biomass, loss of biomass and carbon, and absorption of CO2 by vegetation in various types of sub-optimal dryland use in Aceh Besar. The study was conducted on 12 land utility types (LUTs For each LUT, 5-6 sites were selected, and each location was repeated three times so that a total of 300 sample points were observed. The plant biomass measurement and calculation were differentiated according to the vegetation type. The biomass retrieval was based on The Indonesian National Standard Agency (BSN) procedure No. SNI 7724:2011. The primary forest was a land utilization type with the highest biomass contents, total C biomass, and CO2 absorption compared to other land utility types. The lowest was on bare land. The contents for biomass in the primary forest was 501.54±73.27 Mg ha-1, while in bare land, it was only 1.03±0.12 Mg ha-1 with C biomass content of 241.71 ±34.46 Mg ha-1 and 0.53 ±0.06 Mg ha-1, respectively. Total C biomass on sub-optimal dryland with an area of 239,387.91 ha was 26,728,46 Gg and could absorb CO2 of 202,735.14 Gg. Conversion of primary forest to open land can result in loss of C biomass from 37.1% to 99.8%.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2025
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