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Table 1.

The states of reliability of selected groups of farming machinery and possible symptoms of damage

Machine Technical condition Symptoms of unusability in particular state
s1 – state of complete usability (CU) The machine is operated within the entire range of its capacity according to specifications, without any symptoms of damage.
s2 – state of partial usability The machine can be operated like in state s1, but the quality of work is worse (blades are worn out or minimally damaged – lower quality of work, but the machine is still functional)
Rotary mower s3 – state of incomplete task- related usability Blades are damaged considerably – lesser weight of the blade or one blade is missing because the fixing element has been broken. The machine is still basically functional, but the quality of work is very low, because it does not mow evenly. Apart from that, the missing blade causes uneven load of the rotating parts and possible damage to the propulsion system.
s4 – state of complete unusability (CUn) The device does not function adequately (blades are missing, the propulsion system is broken and it is impossible to operate the device).
s1 – state of complete usability (CU) The machine is operated within the entire range of its capacity according to specifications, without any symptoms of damage.
s2 – state of partial usability The coupling in the propulsion system is not adjusted. Higher load at high revolutions.
Rotary harrow (active) s3 – state of incomplete task- related usability The coupling in the propulsion system does not work. It may be maladjusted or broken. If the machine is overloaded, the working elements and racks and pinions in the rotor propulsion system may be badly damaged.
s4 – state of complete unusability (CUn) The propulsion system is broken – it is impossible to operate the machine, especially at high revolutions.
s1 – state of complete usability (CU) The machine is operated within the entire range of its capacity according to specifications, without any symptoms of damage.
Harvesting press (baler) s2 – state of partial usability The terrain copy system is broken or the pick-up is maladjusted. The machine collects biomass, so it is functional, but the malfunctioning system of pick-up level adjustment (the work level is too low) may cause premature wear of working parts, such as pick-up fingers, the propulsion system and pick-up cover. They may also let foreign bodies, such as stones enter the chamber. When pick-up fingers are too close to the ground, they wear out and become damaged soon. They may be broken off. In consequence, there are gaps, which may cause inadequate picking up of the mass. The operator makes a decision when to qualify a particular degree of wear as terminal. When the pick-up working position is too low, soil may enter the press chamber and cause premature wear of rotating metal elements of the pick-up, the rotor, blades and press chamber.
s3 – state of incomplete task- related usability The working elements of the pick-up, the rotor, blades and press chamber may become badly damaged. In consequence, the cutting system may become damaged (the feeding rotor and blades). The machine still makes bales although the system which should shred the collected material is out of order.
s4 – state of complete unusability (CUn) A foreign body enters the machine and causes permanent damage to the working elements and the propulsion system, which renders the machine unusable.

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