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Table 3

Soil general parameters. O.M.=organic matter; C=carbon; N=Nitrogen; Limes.=Limestone; T.=total; A.=active (see also the caption of Tab. 2).

Var. pH O.M. Limes. T. Limes. A. CEC
Geo. L 3.04ns 2.93ns 17.2** 10.,7** 4.68**
F 2.68ns 3.87*
bf 22.3** 22.2** 31.1**
    % % % meq1
Msaf 8.32 1.44 20.75b 10.04ab 16.31a
Mmp 8.18 1.87 23.25b 11.25b 18.54a
FC 8.25 1.04 27.20b 13.18b 20.10a
VL 8.21 1.23 12.89a 6.91a 33.07b
D. L 0.11ns 2.21ns 4.97** 0.22ns 0.93ns
F 9.22** 10.3** 3.77* 0.31ns
bf 1.87ns
    % % % meq1
0-40 8.11a 1.75b 22.23 11.39b 22.62
41-80 8.30b 1.05a 19.31 9.69ab 25.75
81-120 8.36b 0.88a 15.83 7.41a 26.96
M. L 3.04ns 3.04ns 17.18** 10.7** 4.68**
F 2.68ns 3.87*
bf 22.3** 22.2** 31.0**
    % % % meq1
T 8.34 0.88a 44.49 40.99 19.63a
G 8.18 1.53b 46.23 41.41 21.62a
GT 8.23 1.26ab 41.29 50.30 34.46b

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