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Main component analysis of metadata collection: (sugar graduation (numeric in month); time of skin contact (ordinal: 0 whole-bunch pressing, 1: very short time skin contact, 2: short skin contact (less than 2 hours), 3: moderate skin contact (2–5 hours), 4: long skin contact (5–10 hours), press fractions (ordinal: 1: only free run, 2: press fraction to 1.2 bar pressure, 3: press fractions more than 1.2 bar included), child of must clarification (ordinal: 0: no clarification, 1: natural sedimentation without addition of enzyme, 2: sedimentation with addition of enzyme, 3: flotation), must finning (ordinal: 0: no must finning, 1: addition of gelatine based products, 2: addition of casein based products, 3: combination of different finning products or mixed products); fermentation style (ordinal: 1: use of 100% commercial yeast, 2: part of the 3: after starting spontaneous fermentation commercial yeasts were added, 4: spontaneous fermentation); kind of yeast (ordinal: 1: standard white wine yeast (neutral), 2: special yeasts for Pinot blanc wines, 3: aroma yeasts, 4: no yeast was added); fermentation vessel ordinal: 1: stainless steel, 2: combination of oak and stainless steel, 3: oak); fermentation temperature (1: cold fermentation (below 18 C), 2: moderate temperature (between 18 C and 21 C), 3: warm fermentation (above 21 C)); vinification style (ordinal: 1: quick clarification after fermentation; 2: storage on the lees; 3: storage on the whole lees); month of sur lie (ordinal: 0: there is no storage on the lees, 1: short contact with lees (less than 2 months), 3: storage on the lees for 3 months, 4: long storage on the lees for 6 months, 5: very long storage on the lees (more than 6 months)); ageing on oak (ordinal: 0: no oak at all, 1: part of the wine in or on oak, 2: 100% of wine in or on oak); filtration (ordinal: 1: sterile filtration, 2: no sterile filtration).

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