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Table 1.

Platelet characteristics of black-motley calves of dairy nutrition

Registrated parameters Age of black-motley calves, n=41, M±m
11 day 15 day 20 day 25 day 30 day
The number of ATP in platelets before secretion, nmol /109 platelets 5.48±0.010 5.55±0.016 5.63±0.018 5.75±0.015 5.96±0.012 p<0.05
The number of ADP in platelets before secretion, nmol /109 platelets 3.27±0.009 3.37±0.011 3.45±0.007 3.52±0.012 3.61±0.009 p<0.05
The severity of secretion ATP, % 30.3±0.10 31.0±0.13 31.6±0.06 32.8±0.10 33.9±0.14 p<0.05
The severity of ADP secretion, % 40.4±0.10 41.0±0.12 42.1±0.15 43.0±0.17 44.8±0.13 p<0.05
AP recovery level when conducting collagen-aspirin test, % 79.2±0.08 80.1±0.10 80.8±0.08 82.1±0.11 86.6±0.14 p<0.05
AP recovery level when conducting collagen-imidazole test, % 41.0±0.09 41.8±0.14 42.6±0.12 43.1±0.09 44.8±0.16 p<0.05
AP level in a simple transfer sample, % 30.3±0.08 30.9±0.05 31.7±0.06 32.6±0.08 33.2±0.07 p<0.05
The amount of actin in inactive platelets, % of the total protein in platelets 27.8±0.10 28.1±0.07 28.8±0.05 29.4±0.10 30.5±0.14 p<0.05
The amount of actin in platelets with ADP-aggregation, % of total protein in platelets 38.6±0.15 39.0±0.17 39.8±0.13 41.6±0.15 42.9±0.13 p<0.05
The amount of myosin in inactive platelets, % of the total protein in platelets 13.6±0.13 14.2±0.10 14.8±0.09 15.2±0.12 15.4±0.16 p<0.05
The amount of myosin in platelets during ADP-aggregation, % of the total protein in platelets 28.5±0.11 28.9±0.10 29.6±0.14 30.0±0.12 31.3±0.13 p<0.05
AP development time with ADP, s 39.8±0.18 39.1±0.16 38.4±0.10 37.7±0.14 36.5±0.09 p<0.05
The development time of AP with collagen, s 31.8±0.10 31.2±0.16 30.6±0.12 29.4±0.13 p<0.05 28.6±0.15 p<0.05
The development time of AP with thrombin, s 52.7±0.12 51.6±0.14 50.5±0.09 49.3±0.16 48.7±0.11 p<0.05
The development time of AP with ristomycin, s 47.6±0.14 46.8±0.10 46.0±0.18 45.2±0.12 43.6±0.17 p<0.05
The development time of AP with adrenaline, s 97.2±0.20 96.2±0.17 95.5±0.23 94.0±0.19 91.1±0.21 p<0.05
Platelet-discocyte level, % 77.5±0.14 76.3±0.12 74.1±0.16 72.3±0.15 70.1±0.24 p<0.05
Sum of activated platelet forms, % 22.5±0.10 23.7±0.16 25.9±0.12 p<0.05 26.7±0.14 p<0.01 27.9±0.18 p<0.01
The number of small platelet aggregates, per 100 free platelets 3.5±0.11 3.6±0.09 3.8±0.06 p<0.05 4.1±0.08 p<0.01 4.5±0.07 p<0.01
The number of medium and large platelet aggregates per 100 free platelets 0,11±0,018 0.11±0.015 0.12±0.016 p<0.05 0.13±0.023 p<0.01 0.14±0.020 p<0.01

Note: p – is the reliability of the dynamics of indicators in relation to 11 days of age.

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