Open Access

Table 2.

The concentration of fungicides that leads to half-maximum inhibition (IC50) of the biomass of Fusarium strains after submerged cultivation

Fusarium fungi Concentration of active substance (IC50), ppb
# 1 # 2 # 3 # 4
F. acuminatum 532 117 660 61
F. culmorum 815 1445 575 672
F. equiseti 245 13 3523 544
F. graminearum 485 58 66 774
F. oxysporum 784 7810 >10000 4905
F. proliferatum 779 684 >10000 1037
F. semitectum 357 547 861 1491
F. solani 2799 >10000 >10000 1528
F. sporotrichioides 662 98 869 1992
F. verticillioides 14541 19498 >10000 6302

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