Open Access

Table 1.

Seedling completeness and preservation of plants of spring wheat species at different seeding rates and nutritional backgrounds (av. over 2018–2019)

Nutritional background Seeding norm [mln ha] Full sprouts Preservation of plants to full ripeness
number of plants per 1 m2 ripeness [%] number of plants per 1 m2 percentage vs. number of sprouts percentage vs. number of sown seeds
Natural background (control) Ulyanovskaya 105 spring soft wheat
4 330 82.5 292 88.5 73.0
5 405 80.9 350 86.3 70.0
6 470 78.4 396 84.2 66.0
7 534 76.3 441 82.6 63.0
NPK estimated for yielding 3 tons of grain per ha 4 334 83.4 302 90.5 75.6
5 407 81.4 361 88.7 72.2
6 468 78.0 403 86.1 67.1
7 546 78.0 460 84.3 65.8
Natural background (control) Runo emmer wheat (spelt)
4 339 84.7 306 90.4 76.6
5 409 81.8 359 87.8 71.8
6 472 78.7 403 85.4 67.2
7 550 78.6 459 83.5 65.6
NPK estimated for yielding 3 tons of grain per ha 4 336 84.1 310 92.3 77.5
5 410 82.0 370 90.2 74.0
6 475 79.2 420 88.4 70.0
7 543 77.6 470 86.5 67.1

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