Open Access

Table 2.

Regression equations for natural values of factors, reflecting the patterns of change in indicators of the state of the investigated intermediate products by options of experience

Status indicator Regression equations for natural values of factors Indicators of the adequacy of the equation
Fфакт. F05 R2
Y1 Y1 = 87.22 + 0.5850A + 0.625B + 0.0175C - 0.0363AA 0.30 2.85 0.98
Y2 Y2 = 4.32 - 0.4100A - 0.445B - 0.0105C + 0.0256AA 2.78 2.85 0.98
Y3 Y3 = 217.35 - 7.0625A - 69.000B -2.6750C + 3.000AB + 1.400BC 0.88 2.92 0.94
Y4 Y4 = 45.14 - 0.3938A - 0.700B - 3.2190C + 0.089CC 1.04 2.85 0.99
Y5 Y5 = 5.8462A + 6.525B + 0.1800C - 0.3610AA - 21.90 1.75 2.85 0.97
Y6 Y6 = 0.8875A + 2.650B + 0.4680C - 0.2750AB - 0.0146CC - 7.92 0.55 2.92 0.95
Y7 Y7 = 0.8750A + 2.800B + 0.4720C - 0.2500AB - 0.0144CC -7.68 1.85 2.92 0.95
Y8 Y8 = 909.67 - 48.000A - 107.75B - 5.075C 1.67 2.80 0.98
Y9 Y9 = 89.90 + 0.5876A + 0.600B + 0.0150C - 0.0375AA 0.52 2.85 0.97
Y10 Y10 = 214.37 - 22.437A - 19.250B - 0.700C + 1.406AA 1.06 2.85 0.96
Y11 Y11 = 293.05 - 23.550A - 26.250B - 1.125C + 1.275AA 1.93 2.85 0.97
Y12 Y12 = 12.09 + 2.474A + 9.371B + 0.1825 C - 0.179AA - 2.157BB - 0.11BC 1.31 3.00 0.93
Y13 Y13 = 90.40 + 0.5876A + 0.600B + 0.0150C - 0.0375AA 0.43 2.85 0.97
Y14 Y14 = 209.52 - 34.835A - 42.000B - 0.375C + 2.044AA + 3.750AB 0.96 2.92 0.97
Y15 Y15 = 421.00 - 34.225A - 37.750B - 1.625C + 1.863AA 0.45 2.85 0.97
Y16 (Predicted sugar yield, %) Y16 = 16.83 + 0.1096A + 0.123B + 0.0035C - 0.0067AA 0.09 2.85 0.97

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