Open Access
Table 2
Regression equations for the dependence of quality indicators of apple juice on technological parameters of production.
Qualitative indicator of semi-finished apple juice, measurement unit | Equation of regression |
Organoleptic assessment, score | Y = 3.719 X0 - 0.123 X3 - 0.094 X4; |
Reducing sugars, % | Y = 8.345 X0-0.043 X3; |
Glucose, % | Y = 2.174 Xo-0.179 X3; |
Alcohol, % | Y = 0.268 Xo + 0.055 X3 - 0.032 X5; |
Acidity, % | Y = 0.667 Xo -0.009 X1- 0.014 X3 - 0.010 X4; |
The amount of tannins and dyes, mg / ml | Y = 224.218 Xo +12.031 X2+ 11.093 X4; |
OMF, mg/1 | Y = 24.712 Xo +2.962 X1+ 2.962 X2 + 3.112 X3. |
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