Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 42, 2022
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Sustainable Development of Traditional and Organic Agriculture in the Concept of Green Economy” (SDGE 2021)
Article Number | 04001 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
Section | Food Security | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 January 2022 |
Range of goods in framework of agricultural enterprise management
Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy, Markovtseva st., 5, 650056 Kemerovo, Russia
The study of the product range of the enterprise, in particular, the agricultural ones, is one of the priority areas. Maintaining a stable demand for reduced goods is an obligatory condition for strategizing activities, a guarantee of development. The presented research reflects the theoretical foundations of enterprise management, in terms of building a strategy; the assortment features for both commodity and trade ones are disclosed; the authors highlighted the specifics of agricultural production through strategic management and its goal setting. In the main part of the work, there is a block focused on the study of the assortment within the framework of the agricultural enterprise management, based on the product range optimization. This is supported by the conclusions that this approach is a source of diversification of an agricultural enterprise production activity and takes into account both the existing market needs and the capabilities of the enterprise itself when creating the necessary conditions for its development, ensuring competitiveness not only in local markets, but also includes a possibility to expand its market zone. The assortment of goods was studied in a separate block on the example of a specific agricultural enterprise - the greenhouse complex JSC “Sukhovskiy”, a member of the Siberian agricultural complex of the brand “Em Rodnoe”. The assessment of the main economic indicators of the activities of JSC “Sukhovskiy” was carried out. For the purpose of practical testing of the developed directions of strategizing the product range of JSC “Sukhovskiy”, there was proposed a variant of its expansion by introducing roses into the “line” of production as the most popular and demanded flowers in high demand among the population. In addition, the agrotechnology of this production in the conditions of a greenhouse economy is shown, possible sales channels for finished products are proposed, the costs of the “rose” assortment line are structured and the predicted economic effect from the implementation of the proposed measures is calculated.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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