Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 53, 2022
International Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern Trends of Science, Innovative Technologies in Viticulture and Winemaking” (MTSITVW2022)
Article Number | 03001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Agrotechnological Systems of Cultivation | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 November 2022 |
The effect of using biologically active substances on the initial growth indicators of potato tubers
1 Institute of Agriculture – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center “Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, 360004, KBR, Nalchik, Kirova str., 224, Russia
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, 360030, KBR, Nalchik, Lenin Avenue, 1c, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Studies to identify the effectiveness of using preparations based on biologically active substances. Potato varieties Goryanka and Nart 1 and the following preparations were studied as objects: Polydon iodine, Fulvigrain Stimulus Pro, Zircon and BisolbiSan liquid, Succinic acid. Analysis of the data obtained during the research shows that potato tubers’ treatment before planting with preparations based on biologically active substances contributed to an increase in the rate of tubers’ germination. In the experimental options with application of Fulvigrain Stimul Pro at a dose of 3.0 l/t and BisolbiSan – 10 ml/t, an increase in the sprouts’ weight relative to the control option by 34.2% and 26.4% was noted; root weight increased by 20.8% and 21.6%, respectively. The use of Succinic acid at a concentration of 10 g/l led to an increase in the bud number by 32.4%, the weight of sprouts and roots - by 36.8% and 27.1%, respectively. Pre-planting tubers’ treatment with preparations based on biologically active substances led to an increase in the rate of seedlings’ emergence in the Goryanka variety by 11.1 – 27.1%, in the Nart 1 variety - by 10.1 - 21.2%.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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