Open Access

Table 2.

The performance of the seeder SPBM-16P in comparison with foreign counterparts

Seeders SPBM-16P Flexi-Coi9,8 Solitair12
1 Coverage, m 16 9,8 12
2 Traction tractor brand MT3-1221 T-150K New-Holland TJ 375 Deutz-Fahr Agro tzon 265
3 Traction power of the unit, kW 69,7 104,0 126,1
4 Power of energy means, kW 92 283 192
5 Unit speed, km/h 11,6 9,2 12,4
6 Unit productivity in an hour of the main time, hectare / h 12,9 9,0 10,4
7 Cost of crops, RUB / ha 465 1643 702

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