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Table 1

Influence of culture medium composition and cultivar on the induction of calluso- and morphogenesis in Lavandula angustifolia in vitro

Cultivar Culture medium for obtaining primary callus The frequency of induction, % of the number of explants Nutrient medium in the first passage Frequency of morphogene sis in the first passage, %
medium hormonal supplements in a MS medium, (mg/l) callusog enesis indirect morphoge nesis
Vdala MS160 NAA (1.0)+BAP(0.5) 97.6±8.6 0 MS549 0
MS554 0
MS544 Kin (1.0) 56.5±7.0 0 MS552 0
MS546 Kin (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 63.4±5.4 0 MS546 0
MS552 0
MS549 BAP (1.0) 62.9±72 0 MS549 5.7±0.4
MS550 BAP (2.0) 66.7±7.0 0 MS550 32.5±3.7
MS551 BAP (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 58.8±65 0 MS552 20.0±1.9
MS550 0
MS552 Kin (1.0)+ BAP (1.0) 65.5±52 2.5±0.9 MS552 43.2±45
MS554 TDZ (1.0) 77.7±72 0 MS554 0
MS556 TDZ (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 73.5±7.1 5.7±1.2 MS556 9.7±1.1
Stepnaya MS160 NAA (1.0)+ BAP(0.5) 100.0 0 MS549 0
MS554 0
MS544 Kin (1.0) 48.5±52 0 MS544 0
MS546 Kin (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 59.7±52 2.2±1.0 MS546 18.5±2.0
MS549 BAP (1.0) 68.8±5.7 1.5±0.8 MS549 20.0±2.1
MS550 0
MS550 BAP (2.0) 67.6±8.4 11.6±1.7 MS550 18.5±2.0
MS551 BAP (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 71.5±68 10.8±1.2 MS551 15.6±1.3
MS552 Kin (1.0)+ BAP (1.0) 72.3±7.8 2.2±1.0 MS552 39.5±3.4
MS554 TDZ (1.0) 56.7±52 3.5±0.6 MS554 9.7±1.3
MS556 6.8±0.9
MS556 TDZ (1.0)+ GA3 (0.5) 65.0±52 5.8±0.8 MS556 28.8±2.1

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