Open Access

Table 1

Development of certified wineries in the reporting period (*Winegrowers' cooperatives, for example, also appear as one “winery” in Table 1, with one of them comprising around 1000 winegrowers and two others comprising around 400 and 100 winegrowers. Instead of three wineries, 1500 producers could also appear. So- called “secondary enterprises” are also combined in one winery, which are outsourced to the owner's wife, son or father for tax reasons. Thus, far more than 2000 wineries are currently covered by the sustainability certification.).

Year Wineries Hectar Change
2019 230* 6,145.27
2020 360* 8,196.07 plus 33.4%
2021 418* 8807.85 plus 7.5%
2022 501* 10,978,52 plus 24,6%

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