Open Access
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 12, 2019
41st World Congress of Vine and Wine
Article Number 01006
Number of page(s) 11
Section Viticulture
Published online 19 February 2019
  • CARGNELLO G. et CARBONNEAU A. (2007a): Méthode de la “Grande Filière” appliquée au management d'un modèle productif de vignoble. Proceedings XVth International Symposium GESCO Porec-Croatia 20–23 june, pp. 16–33. [Google Scholar]
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  • CARGNELLO G. (2007c): “Innovations” to make “universal” “sustainable” the development of viticolture. Various researchs and considerations. International symposium on Viticolture and Enology. Yangling, Shaanxi (CN). 20–22 april, pp. 1–34. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G. (2008a): “Grande Filiera” - “Viticoltura Etica”: urgente necessità di andare oltre la “qualità.profitto” tecnico ed economico puntando sulla viticoltura “etica”. Considerazioni varie. Atti 2Convegno Nazionale di Viticoltura (CONAVI), Marsala 14–19 luglio pp. 1–12. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G. (2008c): Gli universi delle “qualità” e delle “preferenze” (oltre novanta) secondo la “Grande Filiera Base” (GFB) e la “Grande Filiera Super Corta” (GFSC) quali fondamenta per l'“innovativa” e “sostenibile” realizzazione, preservazione, miglioramento, comunicazione, marketing e valorizzazione dell' originalità e della tipicità delle nostre produzioni locali dei “terroir”, dei “territoir” e del nostro “mosaico paesistico”.XIII Convegno internazionale interdisciplinare. Aquileia(UD) 17–18/9. [Google Scholar]
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  • CARGNELLO G. (2011b): Ancora sull'”ethical e sul “MetaEtical” wine & food & farming & living, …. Ricerche pluriannuali e considerazioni varie. Taste-Vin n. 4. pp. 25–29. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G., CARBONNEAU A., SCHULTZ H., MURISIER F., QUEIROZ J. (2012f): Researches on traditional and new models of cultivation systems for the development of mountain or steep slope viticulture. IV International Congress on Viticulture in Mountain. Lyon (France) 7–9 novembre 2012. 32. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G. (2014c): In “Sustainability” (”Great or Universal Sustainability”) is essential and urgent to consider in a “MetaEthical” even existential, ethical and other social descriptors as well as economic, environmental and social ones. OIV: 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine. November 9–14.2014 Mendoza (ARG). [Google Scholar]
  • CARBONNEAU A., CARGNELLO G. et col. (2015b): Proposition of a charter of sustainable vitticulture following a survey inside the GiESCO. 19 th International Symposium GiESCO from the 31 May - 5 Juine 2015. Pech Rouge-Montpellier (France). Volume 3 pp. 60–67. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G., 2016a. La “Grande Filiera MetaEtica 4.1C”, la “Rivoluzione 4.1C dell'Agricoltura” viticoltura compresa, la “Sostenibilità Universale 4.1C e 5.1C” e la “BIOBIOSOS4.1C e 5.1C”. ARGAV, 25–11. Pp 1–38. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G. and Col. 2017. The “Great Chain MetaEthics 4.1C” fundamental basis for a “Universal Sustainability 4.1C and 5.1C” or “MetaEthics Sustainability 4.1C and 5.1C Smarc”, as well as the “Revolution 4.1C”, the“Organic 4.1C”, the “Biodynamic 4.1C” and also of viticulture and of the viticulture, extreme heroic, for concours, innovative, integrated of mountain, land in strong and very strong slope.5th Int. Cong. CERVIM. Conegliano-Italy. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G. and CARBONNEAU A., 2018. Basic model to design and model the present for a “Sustainable Universal Holistic MetaEthic 4.1C.18” future of all, wine growing included. 41st World Congress of the Vineyard and Wine of the OIV; 19–23 November 2018; Punta del Este (Uruguay). In literis. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G., 2018b. International Project on “Sustainability MetaEthic 4.1C.17.18” and on ”BIO.MetaEthic.District 4.1C”: first “Companies BIO-MétaÉtique 4.1C” and “BIO. MetaEthic. District 4.1C” of Conegliano Campus 5.1C. 41st World Congress of the Vineyard and Wine of the OIV; 19–23 November 2018; Punta del Este (Uruguay). In literis. [Google Scholar]
  • CARGNELLO G., 2018c. Initial results concerning the protocol application of the “Sustainability BIO-MétaÉthique 4.1C” (from universes, mother earth, territory, district, society, consumer, winery, vineyard and beyond “MetaEthically 4.1C”). 41st World Congress of the Vineyard and Wine of the OIV; 19–23 November 2018; Punta del Este (Uruguay). In literis. ***Per i lavori, purtroppo, mancanti e cancellati ci si rivolga all'autore [Google Scholar]

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