Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 8, 2017
2016 International Conference on Medicine Sciences and Bioengineering (ICMSB2016)
Article Number | 03003 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Session III: Biomedical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 January 2017 |
Cognition investigation and analysis of hand hygiene of nursing staff in pension institutions
Welfare College of Nursing of College of Humanities&Northeast Normal University, 130117, Changchun, China
a Corresponding author: Liu Yujin, E-mail:
Objective: We investigate and analyze the cognition of hand hygiene of nursing staff in nursing institutions. This method provides reference for improving the hand hygiene condition of nursing staff in nursing homes, and we put forward the feasible solution to this situation. Methods: 100 nurses from five nursing institutions in Changchun were investigated using a self-designed questionnaire, and the results were analyzed. Results: due to the most old-age care institutions personnel are less educated, rapid flow of talents, and the health care training from endowment organization are low frequency or not organized, so most of nursing staff think hand hygiene has nothing to do with the health of the elderly. They grasp the knowledge of some common hand washing, and hand washing before and after the elderly care is not ideal. The effects of hand washing have a number of factors, the main factor is that the pension institutions hand washing facilities incomplete, and in fact the nursing staff work very busy. Discussion: from the government to pension institutions should strengthen and pay more attention to the training of pension agency front-line care staff hand hygiene knowledge, increase the training of professional nursing practitioners, focus on bringing in Colleges and universities social science or medical science related, similar professional personnel and institutional strengthening management of washing hands, according to the actual conditions to improve the hand washing facilities, adhere to wash their hands properly, so as to avoid occurrence of handling of disease spread.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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