Issue |
BIO Web Conf.
Volume 58, 2023
69th Scientific Conference with International Participation “FOOD SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY – 2022”
Article Number | 01015 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Food Science and Technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 March 2023 |
Influence of grape processing technology on the characteristics of the obtained distillates
Department of Wine and Beer Technology, Technological Faculty, University of Food Technologies,
4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Winery Katarzyna Estate Ltd,
Department of Wine Technology and Sensory Analysis, Odesa National University of Technology,
Odesa, Ukraine
* Corresponding author:
In the production of wine distillates, the factors influencing their composition, respectively their quality, can be divided into the following directions: composition of grapes (as raw material), the technology for its processing and alcoholic fermentation to obtain wine material, as well as the method of distillation of the wine material to derive a distillate. Each of these factors is important for the production of quality wine distillate and significantly affects the concentration of chemical substances that determine its aromatic and flavour profile. The present study was carried out with Muscat Ottonel grapes, a raw material typical for the production of Muscat brandies, through double batch distillation. The grapes are processed and vinified according to three different technological schemes. It is established their influence on both the chemical composition of the wine materials and the received distillate fractions, typical for batch distillation.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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