Open Access

Table 3.

Distribution of bens(a)pyrene along the profile of oilcontaminated grey forest soil*

Soil Layer, cm Bens(a) pyrene content, µg/kg Bens(a)pyrene increase frequency from oil pollution Content of oil substances, µg/kg
Uncontaminate d soil (control) 0–15 0.70±0.25 0
15–30 1.50±0.53 0
30–45 5.30±1.90 120
Oil‐contaminated soil (OCS)* 0–15 390±97 557 23800
15–30 210±50 140 12500
30–45 360±90 68 10900
MPC 20

Note: * – soil sampling was performed 365 days after contamination.

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