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BIO Web of Conferences

Volume 112 (2024)

6th EMBRIO International Symposium: “Ocean for Prosperity: Sustainably Use of the Ocean Resources for Economic Growth, Improvement of Livelihoods, and Preserve its Ocean Ecosystem Health” (EIS 2023)

Hybrid (Virtual and In-Person Meetings), Bogor, Indonesia, November 6-7, 2023
L. Adrianto, I.A. Fauzi, R.A. Kinseng, V.R. Kurniawati, J. Lumban Gaol, A.M. Lusiastuti, Kustiariyah, J. Santoso, C.P.H. Simanjuntak, F.A. Sondita, E. Supriyono, H. Suryanto, Nurjanah, R. Nugraha and M. Nurilmala (Eds.)

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Capture Fisheries

Fish Ecobiology

Marine Biology

Marine Bioprospecting

Marine Ecology

Marine Genetics

Marine Post Harvest


Social Ecology System