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BIO Web of Conferences

Volume 47 (2022)

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Agriculture” (ITIA 2022)

Orel, Russian Federation, March 23-24, 2022
S. Knyazev, O. Panfilova, I. Kahramanoglu, V. Okatan and V. Kukhar (Eds.)

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Improvement of the Assortment Due to Combinative Selection and its Acceleration by Innovative Methods

Plant Genetic Resources. The Role of Bioresource Collections in Breeding

Molecular and Genetic Technologies in Breeding

Cultures of Isolated Tissues and Organs in Plant Breeding and Reproduction

Intensification of Seed and Plant Production

The Role of Biochemical Research of the Plant Gene Pool in the Implementation of the Food Security Doctrine and in Healthy Nutrition

Actual Problems of Storage and Processing of Vegetable Raw Materials

Mineral Nutrition Management to Improve the Productivity, Quality and Sustainability of Agricultural Plants

Biologization of Agriculture as a Mechanism for the Formation of Soil Fertility

Energy Saving Technologies in the Agro-Industrial Complex

Introduction of Garden Plants. Prospects, Assortment, Features of Use in Urban Landscape Gardening

The Role of Economic Science in Ensuring Sustainable Development of Agriculture